The Cross-Border Biotech Blog

Biotechnology, Health and Business in Canada, the United States and Worldwide

Tag Archives: drug development

Potential Rewards from Successful Drug Development: Part 13 of Valuation and Other Biotech Mysteries

[Ed. This is the thirteenth part in Wayne’s series. You can access the whole thing by clicking here. Please leave comments or questions on the blog and Wayne will address them in future posts in this series.]

Finally we have reached the point of looking at the potential rewards from successful drug development. The potential reward can be estimated using the following step-wise analysis. Read more of this post

Valuation and Other Biotech Mysteries – Part 7: Funding the Cost of Developing a New Drug

[Ed. This is the seventh part in Wayne’s series. You can access the whole thing by clicking here. Please leave comments or questions on the blog and Wayne will address them in future posts in this series.]

Assuming that the average direct cost of developing a new drug through regulatory approval will be at least $200 million, how and where do small companies get that funding? While these companies should access all potential sources of funding including government agencies and disease associations, the major sources of funding will likely be capital markets and pharma partners. Read more of this post